Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Wife Application

Tonight while eating dinner with our friends, Keithen announces that he is taking applications for a new wife.  Along with my friends, I came up with the following application :)  Ladies, if you would like me to email you a PDF version...I can! 

Wife Application

Nickname: ___________________________

List the instruments you are able to play (extra points for bluegrass instruments):
Write out the words to “Country Roads”:
What colors and patterns would you allow me to wear with camouflage?
What History channel shows can you tolerate watching?
Can you cook?
Yes                          No
Would you be upset if I woke you from a nap?
Yes                          No
Are you a Dream Squasher?
Yes                          No
Do bibs alone constitute an outfit?
Yes                          No
Would you be mad if I peed off the front porch?
Yes                          No
Have you ever lost both your driver’s license and debit card in the same week?
Yes                          No
How do you feel about kites?
Love                       Hate

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Operation Christmas Child

Our shoeboxes are all packed and ready for collection Sunday next week at church.  Next week is the National Collection of shoeboxes for Samaritian's Purse Operation Christmas Child, so get busy and pack yours!

We really wanted Twiggy to understand why she was filling a shoebox, so we first went to to watch videos of children receiving their shoeboxes.  You can also go to the site to find out more information about what to put in your box and the children that receive the gifts.
After watching the video, Twiggy and I talked about the things we saw the kids opening in the boxes.  Over the past year, I had been picking up little things I would find on sale for our shoebox gifts.  We looked at what we already had and made a list of what we still needed to buy.  Twiggy drew the items and asked me how to spell each item.

Twiggy and I went shopping and then we as a family packed the boxes and prayed for the kids who would be receiving them.  My dear friend made a video for our church starring Miss Twiggy.  I think it is adorable!

Making the video was a great experience and Twiggy thought she was a celebrity at church ;)  Thanks, Jamie!

We packed a box for a 2-4 year old boy.  We included: 2 sets of balls and mits, car stickers, teddy bear, toy zebra, crayons, coloring book, notepad, bowling game, silly bands, car, socks, tank top, toothbrush, toothpaste, bar of soap, candy, and a yo-yo.

We packed a box for a 2-4 year old girl.  We included: wind-up fishing game, 2 small baby dolls, stickers, crayons, coloring book, notepad, ball, socks, yo-yo, purse, jump-rope, candy, and a t-shirt.

One night after our shopping trip, Twiggy told me that we needed to get another box from church for another little girl.  We packed another box for a 10-14 year old girl.  I didn't take a picture of that one, but we included: hairbrush, hair ties, re-usable water bottle, t-shirt, soap, toothpaste, tooth-brush, silly-bands, markers, socks, notepads, and bracelets with beads to string.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Truth Always Comes Out

A few days ago I was picking up the toy room and found the following:

Twiggy's beloved Lee Middleton doll with pen marks all over the scalp! My heart sank.  I guess I should thank my lucky stars because as of right now no walls have been graced with crayon marks, no paint has left the easel, and no hair has been cut.  If it wasn't for the letter-like symbols, I would have instantly suspected my rambunctious 18 month old son. So I brought Twiggy in for a few questions.

Me: "What happened to the baby doll?"
Twiggy:  "I don't know."
Me:  "Who wrote on her with pen?"
Twiggy:  "Z must have."
Me: "Really? Z made the letter A on its head?"
Twiggy:  "No, it's not an A! I made a B!"

Hmmm....guilty!  I'm going to try a Magic Eraser to get the marks off.  Any suggestions?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rolling for Pumpkins

Here's a very inexpensive way to work on the concept of one-to-one correspondence!  I adore the dollar section at Target!  I found these super cute tin pails and a bag of pumpkin erasers.  I already had an unfinished wooden cube that I used a Sharpie to make into a pumpkin dice. 

The activity can be as open-ended as you'd like.  Twiggy and I would take turns rolling the dice and putting the corresponding number of pumpkins into our pail.  We played until the pumpkins were all gone, and then counted our stash.  We talked about who had more and who had less. 

Other ideas:
* Use the dice to "take away" pumpkins.
* Use ice-cube trays as grids.  Whoever fills up their tray first wins.
* Get a second type of eraser (we also bought bats) and practice patterning.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Itsy Bitsy Spiders

I love this time of year!  The leaves are changing, the weather is perfect for go-cart rides, and all things fall are fun!
At a recent family bonfire, we made these adorable T-shirts! They were super simple!!!

First, I found T-shirts on clearance on Walmart.  I probably should have pre-washed them but I didn't.  I put newspaper and old magazines inside the shirts to keep the paint from seeping through to the other side.  I used black fabric paint, but you have to be super careful not to get it on your clothes.

I painted the kiddos palms and four fingers (do not paint the thumb).  My little suggestion: if you are painting a younger kids hands I would do just one hand at a time to minimize the mess. 
Stamp the child's painted hand onto the shirt with thumb down.  Place the other hand down on the shirt, so the palms touch.  I let the spiders dry before I used white puffy paint to add eyes.  I used a thin paintbrush to paint the spider webs.

The kids had a lot of fun making shirts and had even more fun wearing them later that week!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Being Challenged

On my way home from our trip to West Virginia, I was searching the web on my phone.  I came across the HOMEmaker's CHALLENGE (you can get to the site by clicking on the button on the sidebar) which is based off of Sarah Mae's ebook, 31 Days to Clean, Having a Martha House the Mary Way. Hmmm...joining this was not a bad idea for me.  I know for sure that my house could use a little order!

I downloaded the book and began catching up on my ride home!  I was already 2 days behind.  So far I really like the book and enjoy reading the guest bloggers' comments on the HOMEmaker's website.

Day Two of Sarah Mae's ebook says that God made women to be "life-givers." The first way she says that women give life to others is through our words.  In Day Three, she gives 10 ways to give life to our homes.  The first step is to "give words that encourage, comfort, and edify others."  On the HOMEmaker's website, the guest blogger made reference to having to change her child's sheets in the night even though the child has been potty-trained for months.  The blog also referenced Proverbs 21:9, which I swear is my hubby's favorite verse.
“It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.”
Shoot, I just wanted to learn how to stay on top of my household chores!  I wasn't ready to take a look in the mirror!

Well, evidently God felt that I needed to take a deeper look at who I am and He decided to give me an opportunity to apply this knowledge.  The next morning, I pulled a brand new outfit for Twiggy from the back of her closet.  It was so cute!  Little black leggings (it was a cool 60 degrees out) with a black and white tunic.  The tunic had a sweet little 80's inspired necklace attached.  She loved it!  She kept modeling in front of her reflection in the fireplace.  While I was finishing up in the shower, my daughter came running into the bathroom.
Twiggy:  "Mommy...I broked my necklace. But don't worry, I picked up all the pieces so Z won't choke on them."
Me: "Okay.  Thanks for cleaning them up."
Twiggy: "Yep!" (A smile of relief crossed her face) "I put all the beads in my pudding cup and put them in the trash."
Me: "That was a good idea." (I may not have said this if I knew what she was going to ask next)
Twiggy: "Do you think you can fix it for me?"

Then I heard that still, small voice reminding me of all the things I had just read over the last couple of days. 
 I chose not to be angry when I heard how Twiggy broke the necklace (she hooked it around the bottom leg of her recliner and then stood on top of it). 

I chose not to snap when I saw all those beads drowning in the leftover pudding.

I chose to not grumble while I rinsed the offending pudding from those tiny beads.

I chose to honor my daughter's ideas when I saved those precious plastic beads.

I chose to speak life, instead of tear down.

I am embarrassed to say that this would not be my ordinary way of handling the situation.  I thank the sweet Lord for helping me remember to apply the lessons He is teaching me!

Let the challenge continue!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Cup Overflows

Shame on me for trying to hurry through our nightly routine.  I know that these moments with the kids are precious, but I have to admit that sometimes I look forward to just vegging out on the couch.  I need tonight to be a reminder to me as to just how important these "mommy-duties" can be. 

After taking a bath, brushing her teeth, and one last stop at the potty; Twiggy's final bedtime gauntlet consists of being carried up the stairs a funny way.  Usually she wants her daddy to carry her by the arms and me to grab her legs.  We have to swing her 32 times before tossing her on the bed.  No joke, 32 times! Twiggy then picks out five books to take to bed.  We had to put a limit on this months ago, because the poor girl was running out of room in her bed!  I will read her one book and sometimes she will "read" one to me.  We say prayers and then I rub her back until she is almost asleep.

Tonight's routine was much the same.  The only difference seemed to be that she asked to be carried like a "princess in a parade," while giving her best pagent wave to her daddy.  We read the book, L is for Loving.  Then it was time for prayers.  I have been trying to go a little deeper with her prayers.  First we talk about what she is thankful for.  Her responses vary from "Daddy, Mommy, and Zaven" to "my new kittens." Recently, I have been asking, "Is there anything you want to ask God for?" To this she almost always gives me a blank stare. I model for her by saying, "God, please help Kinsley to have a great day at school tomorrow," or "Please help Zaven to feel better." Tonight when I told Twiggy it was time for prayers, I was totally blown away by her responses.

Me: What are you thankful for tonight?
Twiggy: That Jesus got dead so I can go to heaven.
Me: You are right! That is a wonderful thing to thank God and Jesus for. Is there anything you want to ask God for?
Twiggy: To fill up my heart.
Me: What did you say?
Twiggy: For Jesus to fill up my heart.

Tears filled my eyes. Twiggy said she wanted me to pray it for her, so we began:
Me: Thank you Lord for this day and thank you especially for my sweet little girl.  She wants to thank you for sending Jesus to die so that she can go to heaven. She also wants to ask you something...
I looked up at Twiggy and she looked right back at me with her bright, blue eager eyes. 
Twiggy: Fill up my heart, Jesus. Amen!

I gave her a huge hug and kissed her forehead.  We called her daddy up to tell him what she prayed tonight.

I am so very proud of my daughter and so blessed that we were able to slow down to share this moment with her!