Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Preparing for Read Across America Day

Wednesday, March 2nd is Read Across America Day!  It is also Dr. Seuss's birthday.

This "holiday" could potentially be as big as Christmas for my daughter.  She loves books!  When I say she loves books, I really mean that! 

Reading library books to her brother.

Her grocery cart filled to the brim with books!
Last year we celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday by reading the Cat and the Hat together.  She looks so little!

But this year I think we should do something more...since she has continued her love affair with books.  I have to make a confession. Dr. Seuss books are not my favorite.  The kids have several, and they adore them.  Z who is 11 months old does not share his sister's passion for paperbacks, but he will sit on my lap to listen to the entire Green Eggs and Ham book.  So I think our Wednesday will definitely be spent reading that book with a little green eggs and ham for dinner!

We are also going to make these adorable rice krispie treat bookworms found in the Family Fun magazine for Twiggy to share at daycare!  I think they are so fun!
Eat Your Worms Recipe

I thought about taking the kids by the store to pick out new books on their way home from daycare...but I think we may have all we need for now. 
This is the amount of books I pulled out from under the covers when I made Twiggy's bed this morning!  Some kiddos sleep with stuffed animals, not my daughter.  She hits the sack with a book (or books) in one arm and booklight in the other hand!

No matter what we do tomorrow...I'm sure Twiggy will love it!  How are you celebrating March 2nd???

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we celebrated...we had "Backwards Day". So when the girls came home from school, they took a bath, put their PJs on and then had breakfast (eggs and bacon)for dinner! They thought that was so much fun!
