Wednesday, March 9, 2011

365 Day Scrapbook, A Picture a Day!

After Twiggy turned a year old, I made her a 365 Day Scrapbook.  Every day I took a photo of her or something of importance for the day. I journaled about the day's events. 
The scrapbook defintely was a labor of love.  In the first few weeks, I was so excited to snap the picture, jot down my thoughts, and upload the photos to be printed.  Well, as months went on...I began to struggle.  At one point I had 3 months worth of pictures on my digital camera and the only journaling I had done was on slips of paper in my purse.  I finally finished the book, and I am so thankful I did.  Twiggy loves her book.  It is amazing to see the changes in her from day to day, week to week, and month to month.  I think the age from 1-2 years is fascinating! This is the time when kids learn something new every day!

Almost as soon as the word was out that I was expecting Z, my coworkers made me promise that I would make him a 365 Day Scrapbook, too.  I vowed that I would start one after his first birthday.

Next Thursday is Z's first birthday...and this time I'm ready to tackle this scrapbook!  I think preparation may be the key! 

Today I cut out all my journaling cards.

I cut out and made tags for my Weekly Header cards.

I assembled all the supplies into a notecard box, so I can keep it in my nightstand.  Check up on me...but my intentions are to journal each night.  At the end of the week, I want to upload the photos to a file on my computer.  And the end of the month, I WILL get the photos printed!

My intentions are good...but even if I do get behind...I promise Z will have a 365 Day Scrapbook!

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